Applying his nearly fifty years of experience, MacCollum analyzes 47 crane hazards, with a sampling of safety requirements and other references listed for each in this practical hands-on-book. Hazards discussed include power line contact; upset; access; load loss; and pinch point and nip points to name a few. The book also discusses what others in the industry are doing and what can and should be done to ensure proper crane operation. A handy reference guide not only for the safety professional, but also for anyone involved with or affected by the design, manufacture and operation of cranes.

Crane Graphic

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A comprehensive, practical, step-by-step guide for those who design or oversee large or small projects. Designed to facilitate compliance with new OSHA objectives, it presents, for those who are responsible for construction safety, what questions to ask in order to avoid conditions that invite injury or death on site. Construction Safety Planning shows how to integrate safety planning into existing design and construction scheduling in order to avoid paperwork duplication that is normally associated with safety planning. Advice is given on how to involve all supervisory personnel as hazard hunters, so that timely preventive measures can be taken.

Cover Graphic

Published by John Wiley

ISBN: 0-471-28669-9
Format: Hardcover

CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-225-5945

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