Since 1972, a consultant specializing in safety research and technical assistance for high-risk hazards, including hazard analysis and evaluation by referencing applicable safety standards, literature and available technology.

1951 B.S. degree, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. Special education: System Safety, University of Washington; Safety Mnagement, New York University; Radiological Safety, Ft. McClellan, AL; and numerous other Army service schools.

A registered Professional Engineer (Industrial), AZ; a Registered Professional Engineer (Safety), CA; and a Certified Safety Professional (CSP).

1975-76 National President, American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE); 1961, President, Portland, OR Chapter, ASSE; 1968, President, Cochise Chapter, Arizona Society of Professional Engineers.

Member of:
  • ASSE
  • System Safety Society
  • National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE)
  • Veterans of Safety
  • Past member of:
  • Society of Mining Engineers
  • National Safety Council
  • Human Factors Society
  • Military Engineers
  • 1995, author of book, Construction Safety Planning, published by Van Nostrand Reinhold (Now John Wiley). 1993, author of book, Crane Hazards and Their Prevention, published by ASSE. Well known author of articles appearing in Professional Safety, Western Construction, National Safety News, Rural Electrification, Power, Professional Engineer, Prentice Hall's "Newsletters," Business Insurance, Journal of Industrial Hygiene, Hazard Prevention, Control, CraneWorks, Lift, and numerous other professional and trade journals.

    David MacCollum has spoken before international and national groups: The British Ministry of Technology, Edison Electric Institute, National Rural Electric Cooperatives Association, National Institute of Cooperative Education, National Safety Council, American Society of Safety Engineers, System Safety Society, and the Crane Inspection and Certification Bureau.


    "Engineer of the Year," 1970, AZ Society of Professional Engineers
    "First Place for Outstanding Contribution to Safety Engineering Literature," 1969 and 1984,
    and "Third Place," 1990-91, ASSE and Veterans of Safety.
    Listed in Who's Who in Engineering.


    1995, Established the Center for Hazard Information, which currently maintains a resource library of safety and hazard information. In addition, the Center published three volumes of the Hazard Information Newsletter, in which some back issues are available for those needing safety data.

    Has prepared system safety hazard analyses and safety program management evaluations and given expert testimony covering a broad range of safety engineering, especially as to cranes and other heavy construction equipment, application of rollover protective systems (ROPS) on a wide variety of equipment, and construction safety planning.

    1972 - 76, provided technical assistance for construction of tunnel support systems in Europe and the U.S.

    1972-74, served on the advisory body that drafted the Arizona Occupational Safety Act; was a member of the Arizona Review Commission of Appeals for state citations.

    1972 - 73, retained as an instructor by the University of Arizona for a series of courses on System Safety, Safety Management, and Safety Program Evaluation; developed special safety engineering seminars for the University of Arizona, Michigan Technological Institute, University of Oklahoma, University of Wisconsin, and NIOSH (crane safety).

    March 1970, testified before a U.S. Senate hearing for the Consumer Product Safety Commission on hazards of unvented heaters; April 1977, before U.S. Senate hearings on product liability insurance; and 1984 before a U.S. Department of Labor hearing on cranes and derricks.

    1969 - 72, served on the U.S. Department of Labor's Construction Safety Advisory Committee; was chairman of the subcommittee for Subpart V of OSHA for power transmission and distribution; and was on the board investigating tunnel disasters.

    1958 - 62, member of a standards setting committee for the State of Oregon for material handling equipment

    1956-58, developed design criteria for ROPS - 10 years before the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) developed its standard - which was adopted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (CofE), U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, and the State of Oregon and later incorporated into OSHA standards; and made studies on the cost effective and safe use of scaffolding and on crane load testing on construction projects, which were accepted by the CofE.


    Contact Dave via email at [email protected] for hazardinfo.COM.


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